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Outstanding Results

We help our customers not only to reach, but to exceed their goals. Our experience helps us lay out a strategy that perfectly fits our clients.
This collaboration is essential for the successful transition from strategy to plan and action.
Learn about some of our past projects below, and get in touch to see what we can do for you.

Cloud Development Portal

We started on 2014 to implement a globally distributed development environment.
Initially, this development environment was implemented as a dynamic set of EC2 instances dedicated to each development resources. 
During the project, we have implemented a portable, OS and host agnostic development environment that removed the need to allocate cloud resources per developer. 
This allowed our customer to grow more easily and be as un-attached as possible to a specific development resource

Devops Automation

Build automation system that delivery files from workers to clients in a fast and secure way,
Automate procedure and improve the business technology workflow.

Harden Company environment

As part of the projects that securing outgoing mails to all employee, with unique and dynamic solution. 
Also we create a Remote Auth system that allow workers to connect from remote sites.
DevOPS operation and upgrades exciting system + build new ones as required.

Other Projects

Architects consulting for open-sourced base environment.
Building new customise systems.
Improve business workflow and saving time.
Automate complex tasks, based on Linux.
Preparing Linux Servers to HASH test.

Cloud Architecture and Deployment

Designing architecture and deploying entire environment for a client on AWS, Azure and GCP, including services import from the existing on-premise data-center, providing the ability to run services on both Cloud based environment and on-premise Data-Center

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